Your Path to Success Starts Here
For a select number of our programs, we offer three tiers of graduate-level studies, each providing an in-depth, hands-on educational experience to help you earn a Master's degree. Give yourself the best chance for a top-tier management position in international business, marketing, sports management, or tourism and hospitality. Gain advanced management techniques and on-the-job experience before you apply to earn your Master's degree at one of five premier international universities. In just over one year, you will have everything you need to succeed.
Postgraduate Diploma | 9 Months
Quarter 1
Postgraduate Certificate in Management
Gain the best perspective in management through six separate modules. Completion Time: 12 weeks/3 months
Quarter 2
Go in-depth with experts who have extensive knowledge in your field. Completion Time: 12 weeks/3 months
Quarter 3
Internship | Professional Experience
Apply your newly acquired skills on the job through an internship with an American company. Completion Time: 12 weeks/3 months
Complete a Master's Degree
Term 4
Coursework at a Premier International University
Apply credits earned in a postgraduate program to complete a Master's degree.
Term 5
Dissertation or Advanced Internship
Dissertations may be completed in your home country.
Find the Perfect Program and Place to Earn Your Master's Degree
Southern Cross University | Australia
Master of International Tourism & Hotel Management
University of Hertfordshire | England
MSc in International Business
Glasgow Caledonian University | Scotland
MSc in International Tourism Management
Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia | Spain
Master of Business Administration and MBA in Sports Management