Designed to Meet the Targeted Needs of Specific Groups

If you are with an institution or organization who may not be able to attend an advertised program, or if you have special language or professional goals, Custom Programs are perfect for you. In addition to taking customized classes taught by our highly qualified instructors who are leaders in their field, you have the opportunity to experience American culture and explore famous attractions in Southern California.

Find the Program That's Right for You

Custom English Programs

Designed for groups with special language learning goals, our custom English programs focus on language learning in a topic or subject area of interest to you, such as cultural studies, media studies, or business, and serve to provide your group with a unique and fulfilling experience. We will work closely with you to create an ideal program that balances coursework with trips and activities centered around Southern California, so that your group can get the most out of their limited time in the U.S.

Custom Professional Training Programs

Businesses, institutions, and governments all over the world need to keep up-to-date with the latest trends, technologies, management techniques, and other targeted areas of professional development. Provide your group the opportunity to enhance their existing knowledge and skills, explore new areas, or observe U.S. business practices in real-world settings. Common offerings include: English teacher training, executive and corporate training, information technology, and industry-specific trainings. We will work with you to tailor a training program to fit your needs.