
Reporting Grievances: Ensuring a Safe and Supportive Community at UC Riverside University Extension

To create a supportive academic environment for all members of the UC Riverside University Extension community, we encourage community members to identify incidents or events, large or small, that affect the safety and well-being of the community.

All reports are taken seriously and acted upon with respect to privacy, confidentiality, and due process. Please refer to the appropriate resources below:

Academic concerns can be directed to the program managers with internal escalation conducted on a case-by-case basis.

  • If you are unsure who your Program Manager is, inquire with Student Experience at 951.827.4105 (option 1) for guidance.

Grading Concerns

  • If a student believes that non-academic criteria have been used in determining his/her grade, he/she shall attempt to resolve the grievance with the instructor in the course through written appeal.
  • Students who wish to escalate their appeal to Administrative Staff, following instructor engagement, should submit a written description of concerns/attach any supporting documentation to

Financial Concerns Regarding Invoicing

  • Students should contact Student Services at 951.827.4105 (option 1).
  • Agents should contact the Global Engagement Team at

Concerns related to Instructor and/or Staff members of University Extension may be directed to:

Student Conduct type concerns start with outreach to our Conduct Team via email to

  • Please provide a brief description of the concerns also listing your relation to the incident(s).

  • Issues related to sexual violence/sexual harassment (Title IX), equal employment, and affirmative action should be reported to the UCR Title IX, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Office at 951.827.7070 or via email at or

  • The Student Experience Team via Extension’s main phone support line can help you figure out what person or office to contact with your concern. You may contact them at 951.827.4105 (option 1).