
UCR Extension offers a variety of choices for both ordering and receiving your UCR Extension transcripts. Please make sure you consider our various options as well as our suggestions listed under what to consider prior to ordering transcripts.

CAUTION: Do Not create a duplicate student profile when ordering a transcript via your UCR Extension Student Portal. If you cannot log into your profile, please contact Student Services at 951.827.4105 or email for assistance.

Options for Ordering Transcripts

Online Request: Mailed

  • Rushed Processing
    • Cost: $20.00/copy
    • Fulfillment Time: Printed within 1 business day
  • Standard Processing
    • Cost: $13.00/copy
    • Fulfillment Time: Printed within 4-6 business days

Online Request: Electronic

Note: Parchment requires first time users to create a new account. Payments will be made directly to Parchment and will not be listed on your UCR Extension student portal receipts (accounts historical). Disclaimer: If you completed coursework as part of our International English Language programs prior to Spring 2016, electronic transcripts are not available. Students who completed language programs prior to Spring 2016 should utilize our ordering options for paper transcripts to be mailed.

  • Rushed Processing
    • Cost: $20.00/copy (recipient)
    • Fulfillment Time: 1 business day
  • Standard Processing
    • Cost: $13.00/copy (recipient)
    • Fulfillment Time: 4-6 business days

Things to Consider Before Placing an Order for Official Transcripts

  • Verify that all desired grades have been posted by viewing your academic history via your student portal. After logging into your student portal click My Enrollment History to view your grades currently available. If you recently completed a certificate program, please verify that the award is also posted by clicking My Certificates and Designations within your student portal.
  • If you have not yet finished your coursework or have not received grades for courses that must appear on your transcript, check hold for final grade(s) and list the course numbers for these courses on the order page or order form. The UCR Extension Registrar's Office will not issue your transcript(s) until those grades have been recorded.
  • UCR Extension does not maintain transcripts for coursework taken through Summer Sessions or coursework taken as a matriculated undergraduate or graduate UCR student. If you need transcripts for coursework completed during Summer Session or as a matriculated student, contact the UCR Registrar's Office at 951.827.7284. Please be prepared to provide your UCR student identification number.
  • If you attended UCR Extension classes between 1967 and 1988, fulfilling your order may take additional time. Please allow ample time for your order to be processed.
  • All outstanding debts owed to the University must be paid before your transcript order can be fulfilled (released).

Ordering Electronic Transcripts (e-Transcripts)

  • Electronic transcripts can be delivered quickly and securely.
  • We offer both standard and rushed processing for e-Transcripts. Standard e-Transcripts are processed within 4-6 business days from date of order. Rushed e-Transcripts are processed within 24 business hours from date of order.
  • Prior to placing your order, confirm that the recipient will accept electronic transcripts. The email address provided on your order should be the intended recipient of the e-Transcript. Please be sure you have the correct email address of the recipient. Forwarded emails including e-transcripts are considered unofficial.
  • UCR Extension will cancel orders on hold more than 30 days. If your e-Transcript order is placed on hold pending grades and remains on-hold for more than 30 days, your order will be cancelled. If your order is cancelled, you will be required to submit a new order to receive your e-Transcript.