
  • Login to the portal
  • Click "my enrollment history" to view the list of "enrolled" and "completed" courses
  • Each course line will give options
  • Click the print button and then select "statement of grade" under the course
  • A PDF will appear enabling you to print

If you have any problems viewing or printing your grades, call the Student Services desk: 951.827.4105 or email

All grades except I (incomplete) are final when filed by UCR Extension instructors.

Grades: Grades are submitted by instructors within 2 weeks after the last class meeting. You may view and/or print grades on your student portal.

UCR University Extension's Grading System

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • F
  • I

Incompletes: To receive an incomplete and later revise the grade, the student must file a petition containing a written agreement between the instructor and the student detailing completion of coursework. If coursework is not completed as agreed, the grade automatically reverts to an F. The petition is filed with the instructor and is due at the time the instructor turns in the class grade sheet, and it is entirely the student's responsibility to gain the instructor's approval of the agreement before that time. Petition forms are available at Student Services.

Grade Appeal: If a student believes that non-academic criteria have been used in determining his/her grade, he/she shall attempt to resolve the grievance with the instructor in the course through written appeal. Students who wish to appeal a grade must submit the request, in writing, to the instructor within 30 days of the final grade posting.

Satisfactory/No Credit (S/NC): A student in good standing may undertake courses on a S/NC basis. If the course is a requirement for a certificate program, students must obtain approval from the academic department before changing the grading method. Students wishing to be graded on the S/NC basis should contact Student Services at 951.827.4105.

Satisfactory Academic Progress: For financial assistance purposes, "Satisfactory Academic Progress" is defined as a minimum of six units for a minimum of two terms per calendar year. Most lenders require satisfactory academic progress to maintain loan status