
Discipline: The heading under which classes are listed, i.e., Anthropology, Art, etc., indicates the academic department that has approved the courses and the discipline in which credit is granted. In some instances, courses are cross-referenced to other disciplines but credit is allowed only in the department carrying the detailed listing.

Semester-Unit/Quarter-Unit Conversion Quick Reference Chart

Quarter Units divided by 1.5 = Semester Units | Semester Units multiplied by 1.5 = Quarter Units

  • 1 quarter unit = .67 semester unit
  • 2 quarter units = 1.33 semester units
  • 3 quarter units = 2 semester units
  • 4 quarter units = 2.67 semester units
  • 5 quarter units = 3.33 semester units

Transferring Credit: While requirements vary from program to program, generally, some coursework taken at other accredited institutions may be transferred into certificate or sequenced course programs if it is equivalent in content and value. All transfer requests must be in writing and must include official transcripts. All coursework and units accepted for transfer are subject to the approval of the academic director of the department offering the program.

Credit Value: The value is in quarter units. When the designation CEU is included, the course offers Continuing Education Units. Where no figure is given, the course is noncredit.

Continuing Education Units (CEU): Continuing Education Units (CEU) provide a cumulative record of noncredit study at the post-secondary level. They are useful where employers, re-licensure agencies and other authorities require a specified number of hours of instruction for career advancement purposes, and where noncredit study is acceptable.

How CEUs are Awarded

  • One CEU is awarded for 10 contact hours of participation.
  • Fewer than 10 hours are shown as fractional CEUs. For example, an eight-hour conference earns .8 CEU. A three-day short course with eight hours of instruction per day, totaling 24 hours, earns 2.4 CEUs.
  • Credit earned in UCR Extension X300 and X400 series courses (professional credit courses), with a beginning date on or after June 1, 1974, is convertible to Continuing Education Units on the basis of one CEU for each quarter unit of credit earned. A notation to this effect is carried on UCR Extension transcripts.