Krystal’s journey has not been perfect, but a chance meeting inspired her to realize her dreams!
“I am living in awe because I know that love got me to where I am today. One prayer, miracle, and act of compassion is all it takes to truly spark someone back to life. I am overwhelmed with thanks for all the individuals who helped me get back to my dreams.
My journey thus far has been far from perfect. I have been through a lot of trials and tribulations in my life and as a result, have grown stronger and wiser. After being involved in two almost fatal car accidents, and experiencing the death of many dear loved ones, I have shed many tears and know what it is to feel pain and sorrow. Sometimes we question God and our beliefs and ask, “Why?” And other times, we tend to stray off into the world and become lost--not knowing what happened to the dreams and passions that were once alive within us.
I withdrew from UCR back in 2019 when my father passed away unexpectedly. On the day we had to take him off life support, I remember my mother asking me, “What are we going to do now?” I felt that by leaning on God as our strength, we could make it through. Then, shortly after his passing the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, and my mother lost her job. My brother and I stayed by my mother’s side, trying to help her heal from the loss of my father.
I began working whatever mediocre job I could find and was living my life one day at a time. Then, I got injured at my place of work and had to go through rehabilitation to heal. One day after a physical therapy session, I saw a “Help Wanted” sign at a nearby Sushi restaurant. They were hiring for waitress positions, so I inquired, applied, and was immediately hired. And my next life journey began…
One day at work, I was taking an order from a young couple. We started talking, and I came to find out that they were UCR faculty members. We had a conversation about my schooling, why I left, and how I ended up as a waitress. I told them that people would always encourage me to return to school because I was smart, curious and had such a strong desire to continuously learn something new. But, because of my life circumstances, I put it off into the future. They both greatly encouraged me to get back to my studies and look into re-admitting to UCR.
On my drive home from work that night, I felt my father alongside me. I couldn’t sleep so I prayed for guidance and in the morning, I had made up my mind. I reached out to Dr. Marie Martin, UCR University Extension’s Associate Dean and the Director of the UCR Degree Completion Program. Dr. Martin connected me with Claudia Olvera almost immediately. Claudia guided me step-by-step through the readmission process. Every step has been overwhelming, and a true miracle.
I am today, thanks to UCR University Extension, a readmitted UCR student. Since I was a little girl, I have always been a dreamer. I had a mind full of curiosity, and a heart for helping people. This past year, I felt something rise inside of me once again. Now more than ever, I can feel it is my time to fly and I will be a UCR graduate in the next few years!
When you're at a point in life where you feel like your dreams are so distant and unattainable, it is amazing how one moment in time can change your destiny. I now know that my purpose in life is to achieve my dreams. I owe that to my father, mother, family, and myself. I never thought I would be able to return. I still pinch myself when I realize that after six years out of school, I am no longer lost out in the world. I am forever grateful to the UCR faculty couple I waited on that fateful day for encouraging me to take that first step. I am thankful to UCR University Extension for believing in me and helping me through the process. I am blessed to know people who care!
I can’t wait to take my place in line to encourage all those who need inspiration, to show them how the love and compassion of others will hold you up and allow you to become who you always dreamed of being. Never give up on your dreams or yourself because it is NEVER too late. If you are breathing, you can do anything you put your mind to do! To all the lost students out there, hang on to your heart's desires and remember, there is somebody waiting to stir up your dreams once again!"
It's been wonderful and inspiring to hear your story, Krystal. We can’t wait to follow the rest of your journey and see where life takes you. It’s an honor to be part of it. And we loved your final PS to your father. “Dad, my angel, your star is ready to fly, shine, and smile once again! It is TIME! My new odyssey is on my horizon!”
Krystal Estrella Martinez
BA Candidate, UCR, Cultural Studies and Spanish
Class of 2026