
On her own, Kessie knew that she needed to pick a path and rely on herself to progress and succeed.

Q. What brought you to UCR University Extension?

A. I was interested in studying law, but I didn’t think law school was the path for me right after I completed my undergraduate work. I thought a Paralegal Studies program sounded like a good idea, so I looked into some and decided I would apply before I was even hired as a student assistant for UCR University Extension.

Q. What were some of the unexpected hurdles in your journey?

A. My mom died when I was young, and my father passed away in my second year at UCR. So, from then on, I knew I had to get my act together, pick a path, stick to it, and rely on myself to progress and get through the obstacles of life.

Q. What were some of the unexpected benefits?

A. In my third year at UCR, after starting my student assistant position for Cynthia Welle in the UCR University Extension’s Dean’s office, I became interested in fellowships, internships and participating in law-related matters even more. Because I only had limited support from my distant family, I needed a job to help with my daily expenses. I had to put in the hours to make any money I could. Having Cynthia’s faith in me and her giving me a great job as a student assistant helped my growth and my career.

Q. What difference did your experience at UCR University Extension make to your life path and career goals?

A. Getting my Paralegal Studies Professional Certificate really helped me with the job market. Nearing graduation, lots of employers expressed that it was quite the feat completing my Bachelor’s degree and a professional certificate at the same time. It helped me stand out from other candidates, as well as helping me start in a higher-level role as a Paralegal rather than a legal assistant. I had countless interviews, and FIVE different job offers!

Q. What are you doing now?

A. I am now a patent prosecution paralegal with an Intellectual Property Law Firm in Long beach. I work in the patent prosecution team where I assist many of our great attorneys and big-name domestic and international clients with their patent processes.

Q. What have been some of the most exciting or rewarding moments of your career so far?

A. Because I was born in Hong Kong, I feel very at home when I think of the word, “international.” Being able to help international clients makes me very happy. I am also very happy that our firm is always busy because that shows how great our Patent and Trademark attorneys are. It’s even more exciting when you know you are a small company but retain many big clients and institutions!

Q. What has been the greatest challenge you have faced in your career?

A. My greatest challenge in my career is that I feel I am too introverted to be as proactive as a new intern or employee would be. Networking is definitely my greatest challenge!

Q. What professional and personal achievements are you most proud of, and why?

A. I am most proud of my last two years of university. I feel that I have achieved a lot for someone my age! Those two years were nonstop running. From internships to part time work, to my classes in the Paralegal Studies program, to being a full-time student at UCR. I was amazed that I could handle all of these things and still enjoy my time with friends and make so many great memories.

Q. Looking back at where you were when you started this journey, where did you think or hope it would lead you?

A. Looking back, I knew I wanted to go into law, but was unsure in what capacity and in which field. But now, I have taken my first step toward my goal.

Q. What career advice do you have for students?

A. I think that getting a part time job helps with your job search, regardless of what type of role it is. I also think that being proactive and applying to internships is one of the best things you can do as a college student. You need the experience, so when better to do it than now?

Q. What are your hopes and aims for your future?

A. In the future, I aim to work closely with biotech research institutions. I feel that being part of the legal counsel at a research facility would make me very accomplished. I understand that many researchers spend their whole lives working towards something to benefit humanity, so it’s only right that I can help take that legal burden off their hands to allow them to focus on their research and not worry about the legality of their work. If I could, I would love to contribute to humanity in such ways that scientists do, but unfortunately, I am not well-versed in biology so I hope to help in the best way I can.

Q. In your life today, what makes you really happy?

A. Right now, I would say that I am happy because I am employed by a great company and part of a great team. I know that it’s quite hard for new grads in terms of employment, so I am most happy that I have the stability. I am also so happy that I am as independent as I can be and can afford my own living situation!

Q. Was your program or coursework funded by your employer?

A. Yes! I was a student assistant UCR University Extension, and my first quarter working there, I asked Cynthia if there were any discounts for students. At the time there weren’t, but Dean Vaughn and Cynthia implemented a program that allowed student assistants to get one free course per quarter!

It’s independent and hard-working students like Kessie who inspire everyone to be better. Good luck, Kessie, in your career and in all your future endeavors!

UCR University Extension alumna Kessie Ng Kessie Ng
Patent Prosecution Paralegal
Long Beach
B.A., UC Riverside
Graduate, UCR University Extension
Paralegal Studies Professional Certificate Program