About the Course
This Computer Science Supplementary Teaching Credential Authorization course is jointly offered through a UC Riverside and UC Davis partnership. In the course students design and develop interactive programming lessons and activities for CS and STEAM topics, including the use of digital devices and systems. Topics include randomized activities, graphical user interface (GUI) elements for student interaction and formative assessment, physical computing with Arduino and I/O devices, secure communication between devices, and software tools and integration strategies for creating a customized curriculum according to students’ grade and cognitive levels in math, science, and language arts. Participants will work in groups on collaborative projects that implement project-based learning. Participants will also learn strategies for using makerspaces and robotics competitions to engage students, build teamwork, and encourage collaborative learning. They will develop competition challenges for students and learn how to organize local competitions for schools and districts.
- Understand best practices for designing a curriculum
- Create interactive and randomized programming activities
- Create programming lessons with multiple examples and solutions to teach and illustrate key concepts
- Implement GUI elements such as prompt boxes, radio buttons, checkboxes, and click locations for student interactivity
- Create tests and check and respond to student inputs to provide formative and summative assessments
- Write programs to control and monitor Arduino microcontrollers and basic I/O devices and sensors
- Understand how communication between computing devices works and the security issues involved
- Align and integrate CS instruction with K-12 math, science, and language arts standards
- Work collaboratively to design and complete a programming project
- Design and organize makerspaces and robotics/CS/STEAM competitions
- CS X458.02 | Programming and Integration of CS into STEAM TeachingEnroll