Let your care and compassion for others, lead you in a new direction.
Leverage your medical experience to carve out an exciting new career pathway with a certificate that intersects with law, forensics, or a focused population. Become well-versed in best practices, policies and procedures, and communication strategies to become a successful advocate in your new role. Learn how to work with outside agencies to bring together ideas and strategies for the best possible outcome.
Allied Health
Take your extensive healthcare knowledge and use it to teach others. Learn how to incorporate teaching and learning theory to create learner-centered curriculum for healthcare professionals. Or, build on your expertise to help those facing homelessness achieve better outcomes, and stay on a path to continued success. No matter the path you choose, your efforts will benefit the community as a whole.
Industrial Sciences
Expand your science expertise into the world of product development to develop, adapt, and produce products for the consumer market. Use the standard three-step process of design and development, testing and troubleshooting, and redevelopment and adaptation to produce a consumer-worthy product with great success.
Professional Development for Nurses
Expand your expertise into a new area and connect your nursing credential or experience in healthcare with forensics, law, or case management to apply your expert knowledge in important cases. As an additional perk, each of these programs provide CBRN continuing education credit.